Sunday, May 23, 2010

Readings from Ezekial

Hey Family,
Sorry I missed talking to you guys on Skype last week. And I probably won't be able to talk this next week as well (I'm going to Gramsh to visit some friends).
Anyways, I just wanted to share what I was learning as I read Ezekial. I'm in the 11th chapter now. Before that it talked about how the elders of Israel would worship other gods even while they paid lip service to God. They said to themselves, 'O God has left, he doesn't see'. God's response to this was letting Ezekial see the Cheribum who had eyes ALL OVER their bodies. As well, God told Ezekial to open a wall and then to go through a doorway and He showed Ezekial what He saw, people worshipping other gods. It was like God was saying, there is NOTHING hidden from my eyes. He sees all their deeds, even done in secret, as well as their thoughts and their hearts. Then in verse 9, the Cheribum went and put a mark on the foreheads of the people that wanted to follow God.
This got me thinking a lot about the verse in 2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him..." I always thought that 'the eyes of the Lord' were like me, 2 eyes, but after reading about how the Cheribum have sooooooo many eyes and that they go throughout the WHOLE world, it gives new meaning to this verse!!!!
So I just want to encourage us as a family to really desire to walk in ALL the ways of God and not man. For God sees all that we do, think and is in our hearts. There is nothing hidden before Him and we'll be held accountable. He also sends grief and afflictions our way, not willingly, but so that we'd return to Him and follow Him with all of us. God knows His own and will take care of them (like Ezek. 9).
Love you all so much!