Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Apartment

Hi Family of Mine

As I had originally challenged here are pictures of my apartment.

This is my living room (as you can notice the floor was recently cleaned).  On the wall you will my Ikea coffee table (some assembly required)

This is the picture of my couch (some assembly required)

The Entry to my apartment

The view of my kitchen from my living room

My kitchens (as you can see it is a little bigger then my kitchen in Winnipeg)

A picture of my bathroom

My bedroom (a little small especially when you have a queen size bed in the area)

The view of my bedroom to the rest of my apartment

The other wall in my bedroom.

The pictures of my apartment unfinished (I had just moved in about a hour earlier and had yet to have set up anything (except for my bed because that is important),

The pictures of my finished apartment will soon follow.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice apartment . . . though I'm sure once assembled it will be even nicer!!
