Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Something Useful

Hi all

Now I know that we are all perfect but sometimes even perfection can be helped along a little.  I am not sure about the rest of my family but I know that I am terrible at pronouncing people's names and I must admit that this is a little embarrassing for me; the number of times that I have embarrassed myself has certainly increased since living abroad as there are so many new names and different ways of pronouncing them.  Anyways, I had a presentation to give recently and was worried about how to pronounce the name Katarzyna and not wanting to make a fool of myself in front of the class I thought to myself "self the internets knows everything there must be a website out there that can help me with this problem"; enter www.pronouncenames.com where there was not only the phonetic spelling of the name to help me but they also have an audio file which can help you pronounce the name.  Needless to say I managed to embarrass myself one less time, WOOHOO!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! Nice one Wes! I'll have to look into that one! I've also been blessed with the horrible memory of remembering people's names. There is a girl in the english class and i walked home with her the other day and forgot her name. I wanted to ask what her name was but i had already asked twice and couldn't bear to ask her again. I listened extra hard in the class to day and caught her name: Larisa. I think....
